Holy Trinity Welcomes you!
We would love to have you join our Parish Family!

Holy Trinity is a welcoming, inclusive parish family.

We meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Join us in person, or via our YouTube channel.

Services are usually about an hour long.

What is it like?

Services generally alternate each week between Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist (Communion). You will find the order of service printed in the bulletin that will be handed to you by the greeter as you enter the church. The hymnal (blue book in the pew rack) will have the words to the day's hymns. The larger hymnals include the music as well.

All baptised Christians (regardless of denomination) are welcome to receive communion. You may choose to receive just the bread or the wine if you wish. Communion in one kind is considered full communion. 

If you wish to receive a blessing instead of communion, you may signal this by crossing your arms across your chest as you reach the head of the line.

What about my kids?

Holy Trinity welcomes children of all ages! Don't worry if they can't sit still...they are welcome to get up and explore the church during the service. 

Any children in attendance will be invited by Pastor Steve to join him at the chancel steps near the front of the church for the Children's Focus. This is a brief chat, during which the children and Pastor Steve discuss a topic that is relevant to that day's scripture.

Where do I park?

Parking is available along Main Street, and on the side streets off Main. Please obey any signs that are posted. There is also a parking lot on the west side of Main Street, between the Thai Pad restaurant and the Post Office.

What do I wear?

No need to wear your "Sunday Best", unless you want to! Wear whatever is comfortable. Our church is air conditioned, so no need to worry about getting overheated in the summer months.

How can I get connected?

Please join us in person on Sunday mornings at 10:30. If you are unable to attend in person, join our live stream on YouTube.  

Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan-youtube

If you have any other questions that have not been answered here, please feel free to contact the church by email at holytrinitylucan@diohuron.org, or call 519-227-1740.


Holy Trinity YouTube Channel FaceBook Group